Brands Unhappy With DAM Solutions

Posted by NAPC Marketing on Thu, Apr 23, 2015 @ 08:41 AM

Tags: DAM Systems, Buying DAM Technology, DAM, technology, dam solutions, survey

digital asset management survey

As posted by TechTarget Search Content Management, a recent survey by Real Story Group indicates widespread dissatisfaction with digital asset management software, with unrealistic expectations likely a factor. The online survey was intended to obtain practitioners' perspectives on key digital and media asset management software-related themes, including common use cases, tools, vendors, implementation patterns, and challenges.

The survey was conducted by Theresa Regli, Principal Analyst and Managing Partner, Real Story Group. In the course of the survey, Regli found that "A lot of people aren't particularly happy with their systems." Further, the survey found "how unsophisticated a lot of the DAM use was with most organizations using DAM because they need a place to put pictures."

Kenny Kirsch, Vice President, Chief Strategy Officer of NAPC notes "It’s often not the technology alone, it’s the driver, as change management is the key requirement for a successful DAM implementation. If the DAM does not make people’s work lives better it will fail, and if the software does’t live up to the promise there are no benefits."

Please read full article here, where you will find a link to the survey, additional insights and suggestions for succesful DAM implimentations. Login may be required to read full article.

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DAM Solutions

Insights on North Plains Ngage 2015 & Xinet 18

Posted by Jeff Zakim on Fri, Mar 13, 2015 @ 01:22 PM

Tags: MySQL, Xinet, DAM Systems, Xinet server DAM Systems, digital asset management, DAM, North Plains, NAPC, Xinet Pilot, technology

Hear about the North Plains nGage 2015 conference and what is coming in Xinet V18 from our intreped travelers, Mike and Larry who ventured out to this years conference in sunny Orlando, Florida. Not only was the weather great, but so was the content, speakers, presentations and hearty discussions with clients, partners and vendors. Read on, you will feel like you were there.

#NGage2015Mike Gershowitz, Vice President 

My Orlando trip for North Plains' nGage Conference was delightful! Just the 85 degree warmth would've been sufficient, but this conference also had a very rich agenda

During Partner Day, North Plains' new executive team impressed me as enlightened professionals who listened while presenting their product development roadmap. They also asked for future contributing ideas, announced some smart, like-minded speakers for an enriched eGage experience and ended an excellent day with a relaxing cocktail party with many global North Plains channel partners. All were eager to collaborate in an effort to best service multi-site Xinet clients, including SYD Conseil - Cogito Digital Management, Bay Digital, and Visual Products Japan.

North Plains most intriguing development roadmap topic to us at NAPC by far was the upcoming Xinet Version 18 release, which further resolves many of the most important issues affecting current users, as well as potential new users. What's still a future is the ability for a 'master' Xinet file system and database to effectively synchronize with local, disparate deployment instances.

Read the rest of Mike's NGage 2015 experience here


Larry Chase, Vice President

Well folks, just back from the North Plains nGage Conference in Orlando and it was a great one. We experienced great weather and outstanding company with fellow Integrators and clients from around the world. There was an outstanding Keynote delivered by Robert Rose, a Content Marketing Strategist, Author and Speaker. His presentation on content marketing was quite impressive, and I have since looked up a video of a similar presentation to share.

One of the main highlights on nGage was the announcement of some very cool updates regarding Xinet, specifically the forthcoing release of Xinet 18. This had all in attendence very eager to learn more about this roll out.

First on the agenda is that of a certification that was granted by the DAM Foundationwhich is an organization focused on the betterment of the DAM ecosystem. The certification is based on a review of the 10 Core Characteristics that make a DAM a DAM. Now Xinet is on the short list of certified DAM software authors. Congratulations to Dale Dawson and team on this.

Read the rest of Larry's NGage experience including details on Xinet 


ProofHQ: When you see it, you’ll believe it (and get it, on the spot)

Posted by NAPC Marketing on Tue, Mar 10, 2015 @ 08:46 AM

Tags: approve, creative, efficient, digital, paper, proofing, organize, ProofHQ, workflow, marketing, productivity, collaboration, operations, technology, review, design, GCG, Ken Madsen, print, layout

                           describe the image

You’ve heard people say “seeing is believing.” It’s one of those catch phrases that’s been done to death, yet it’s exactly the right phrase to describe ProofHQ. So we’ll say it again, and this time with gusto; SEEING PROOFHQ IS BELIEVING.

So why are we on the mountain tops shouting our love for this solution? Because it’s just so obvious, so effective, and so simple.

It’s keeping online what was created there in the first place. Why do we still print and pass around paper layouts? Why do we still use ink and sticky notes? If you haven’t asked these “whys,” it’s probably because you’re too preoccupied with the deadline you missed when someone didn’t notice your stack of “to be approved” papers on their desk, and went on vacation.

ProofHQ is the answer; a smart, simple way to organize your proofing process by putting everything in one place, where everyone can access it, at anytime, from anywhere. It’s eliminating all that old-school printing-out-layouts/stuck-in-a-paper-jam stuff, and greasing the gears with digital lightning.

BUT EVEN BETTER; it’s a cinch to get up and running, and everyone onboard. Just hear what Ken Madsen, President, GSG has to say about ProofHQ.


You’re smart. You’ll see and you’ll believe. And when you do, we’ll help you go from “must get” to “got it” as quickly as you can say ProofHQ.



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