I've got nothing this week as far as the work I do 'for' NAPC.
But I would like to talk about working 'at' NAPC. We just announced the other day
that NAPC is making a contribution to the relief effort in Haiti. We're not tossing in
millions of dollars like some of the celebrities I'm reading about, but the whole idea
of course is that lots of people doing something add up to a huge amount.
At our training office in Waltham, we've turned off one third of the lighting in an effort
to reduce our ecological footprint. NAPC encourages employees to seek out and
request alternative energy sources in their private homes, and will foot part of the
additional cost imposed by the local electric company when we do so.
We've had contests to see who could reduce their carbon footprint in our daily commute
into the office. I won one hundred dollars in that contest by slowing down and not driving
as aggressive and staying in one lane. ( Boston driver remember! )
The concept wasn't necessarily to get me to slow down, it was designed to make us think.
Think about our environment. Think about a car pool, or using public transportation,
or yes in my case, how to get better gas mileage and use less gas.
It worked.
Believe me, I've had a few employers that I'd just as soon forget.
But it's pretty cool when you're company has a conscience! It feels good to be on that
team. We still have the idealistic leadership that founded NAPC and it's nice to get a
reminder of that every now and again.
So yeah, I've got nothing this week about the work I do for NAPC.
Next time I'll talk about improving your workflow, and tweaking out some more efficiencies.
Today I'm just glad MY company wants to help improve my world.